Adopting Isaac

Monday, December 04, 2006

A little blue

So Sari and i have been a little down lately about how long we are going to have to wait for a referral. We made the mistake of looking on our adoption group to see if any new referrals have come in lately... Well none have i mean zero! There are still people from MAY waiting for a baby! Thats 7 months not the 5 months we hoped. That puts us at next July / Aug. I can make excuses such as its not the adoption agency's site or maybe it has not been updated in a while but i really do think those are just excuses. When our dossier gets sent to Ethiopia (sometime this month) we will email the agency ask what the wait looks like now but i can tell you we are a little scared of what they are going to say. When i talk to other adoption mommies they remind us that this is the hardest part that we have to remember that there is a baby at the end of this journey no matter how long it takes. Its just hard to remember all those things when we are looking at a empty babies room or this time last year i was looking at bfp. I try to remind myself that this time next year we will be mommies no matter what and that once we have Caleb it wont matter how long it took. I just want to say we are a little tired today of being positive and reminding ourselves of how great it will be next year... We want a baby now!
Thanks for letting me rant. I needed it!



At 9:34 PM , Blogger Chelle said...

Sorry you guys are down. It's SO understandable. I will keep hoping and praying that Caleb will find his way to you very soon. Big hugs!

At 9:50 PM , Blogger battynurse said...

I really feel for you guys. I know the waiting would/is making me nuts. I hope that you have your referral soon and you're right. At least you know that there is a baby at the end of the wait, it's just a matter of making it through the wait.

At 12:14 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I am sorry. I know how frustrating it must be. I know how frustrated I am and I don't even have the for sure baby to be frustrated about yet! Try and stay positive and just remember soon this will all just be a memory and you will be enjoying parenthood.


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